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Cables and Adaptors

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Archer T3U Mini Wireless USB Adapter
150Mbs Wireless USB WiFi Adapter
Archer TX3000E WiFi PCIe Card Wireless Adapter
PoE Splitter Adapter
PoE+ Injector
48V Passive PoE Adapter
Archer T2U Nano Wireless USB WiFi Adapter
Archer T2U Plus Wireless USB WiFi Adapter
RJ45 SFP Module
Archer TX50E WiFi and Bluetooth PCIe Card Wireless Adapter
Archer T3U Plus Wireless USB Adapter
Nano Wireless USB Bluetooth 5.0 Adapter
4-Port USB 3.0 Hub
Nano Wireless USB Bluetooth 4.0 Adapter
AV2000 Ethernet Adapter Kit
UE300C Ethernet USB-C Adapter